MTG > Combos > Cloudstone Curio +Keldon Marauders +Rograkh, zoon van Rohgah +Birgi, God of Storytelling // Harnfel, Horn of Bounty +
With Birgi and Cloudstone Curio in play, cast Keldon Marauders
Keldon Marauders will deal 1 damage to the opponent when it enters the battlefield
Birgi's ability will trigger, adding one red mana.
Cast Rograkh, Birgi's ability will add another red mana.
With Cloudstone Curio's ability, return Keldon Marauders to your hand.
Use Birgi's two red mana to cast Keldon Marauders, and return Rograkh to your hand.
Repeat the process for infinite damage.
Commander Legacy Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Luiz Besamat • reviewed
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