MTG > Combos > Pitiless Plunderer +Ashnod's Altar +Marneus Calgar +
Pitiless Plunderer
,Ashnod's Altar
andMarneus Calgar
on the battlefield. 1- For the ability ofPitiless Plunderer
pay mana and make two 2/2 creature tokens, drawing 2 cards. 2- Sacrifice creature tokens toAshnod's Altar
generating mana and making two treasure tokens byPitiless Plunderer
. As two tokens entered the battlefield, you draw two more cards forPitiless Plunderer
. 3- With mana from your mana pool byAshnod's Altar
and mana from both treasures you repeat the loop.الشرعية
Commander Legacy Block Booster Draft Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Luiz Besamat • استعرض
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