Netflix's animated series for Magic: The Gathering has had its first update, two years after its supposed release date. Actor Brandon Routh confirmed in an interview with Collider that the project was cancelled.
“I'm not sure. I did do a voice for it. As far as I understand, nobody's put out a press release about it, but apparently it's not happening. That's kind of old news. I'm not sure why it's surfacing again.”
- Brandon Routh
Brandon Routh was the voice actor for Gideon Jura, who would be the protagonist in the animated series. The project was announced in 2019 and would be produced by the Russo brothers, responsible for the Avengers movies in the Marvel cinematic universe.
In August 2021, Brandon was invited by Wizards of the Coast to discuss the project at the live presentation of the 2022 releases, where the company confirmed that the series would be streaming in the second half of the year, with a change in executive production for Jeff Kline (Transformers: Prime).
Source: Collider
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