Magic: the Gathering
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Pacto das Guildas
Nykthos Ramp has recently stood out in Pioneer. The numbers don't lie: it is a good option for this ...
pioneer decktech sideguide competitive
João "Jam" Barros
Do you enjoy cracking puzzles and always having options? Toolbox strategies with creatures? Then, th...
decktech commander cEDH
Magic's head designer shared on his blog some abilities, creature types, and card names that players...
Tarkir Teasers Spoilers
In this article, we discuss Orzhov Pixie, the new variant of the famous Bounce decks using the inter...
Standard OrzhovBounce Deck Guide
A Sacrifice deck variant has made a name for itself in Pauper by placing Top 8 in a Challenge. In th...
Pauper Sacrifice Deck Guide
The Secret Lair x SpongeBob will be divided into three different drops and features iconic character...
notícia SecretLair BobEsponja
Nat Almeida
In this article, let's explore the open seas with Edward Kenway and his fleet of Pirates and Vehicle...
decktech commander assassin'screed pirate
Banlist update at the end of the month means a month of theories! This time, there's no clear target...
Legacy Ban Unban Speculation
Magic is getting more expensive - but how expensive is "too expensive" for Latin American countries?
Magic UniversesBeyond Opinion
Do you like controlling who attacks and when, even more so if it's with a Voltron strategy? Then, th...
deck tech Commander Budget
Affinity, one of the most striking, and, currently, critical decks in Pauper, has a long history in ...
Pauper Competitive Metagame Affinity Trivia
Goblins are back! The most popular creature type in Magic: The Gathering came back on turbocharged A...
legacy deck tech sideboard guide rakdos
In this article, we present five budget decklists to play the Explorer format on Magic Arena in 2025...
Explorer Budget Decks
In this article, we present five budget deck options for playing Best of One matches in Magic Arena!
Standard MTGArena Bo1 Budget
From the rise of Stock Up in several competitive formats to the prevalence of Esper Bounce as one of...
Metagame Decklists Competitive
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll start our engines and explore an unusual game style with the best Speed-fo...
commander deck tech naya
In the first episode of this series, we list ten decks that made history in Magic: The Gathering dur...
Magic Decks History
Magic revealed this Saturday the first previews of its collab set with Marvel, Spider-Man. The expan...
Noticia SpiderMan Magic