Magic: the Gathering
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Let's start a new journey together with the high level multiplayer admirers. Here we will discuss the most popular archetypes of the cEDH and what they have to add to us.
15/02/24 • Everything you need to know about the major Pauper Archetypes and how they function!
24/10/23 • Nowadays, Pauper is growing and getting new players every day. Because it is one of the cheapest formats in Magic? Of course! To start in this format the player does not need to pay a large amount of money and Pauper still allows you to play with historical cards like Counterspell and Lightning Bolt. But that's not the only reason. The unity and hospitality of the Pauper community is also a strong reason to play it, and we will keep spreading the good aspects of the format in order to keep it alive!
05/06/23 • Series of sideboard Guides for pauper players
23/05/23 • This series of articles shows sideboard guides for deck in the pauper format
12/07/22 • Combos are a part of Magic: the Gathering, and in Commander they are always very present. Taking 120 life from your opponents without some kind of looping is something very complicated, so in this article, I will explain about four of the main combos used in Commander and ways to interact with them. With this guide, you'll know what you're up against and how to stop any combo that might appear on your Commander table.
12/07/22 • A series of articles where I talk about combos used in Commander and the means to combat them.
03/01/22 • In this series of articles we'll talk about the impacts 2021 brought to our favorite game. We'll talk about cards and decks for each format.
21/11/21 • All about the series related to League of Legends lore
21/07/21 • A translated version of the game for the people who play the game. We are going to see about Roundstart, How Spell works and other important stuff to be part of the Rulebook about Legends of Runeterra in Divinity's POV.
23/03/21 • In this series I will provide you with the tips needed to play MTGA competitively, without needing to invest any money into it.
14/01/21 • Pauper is a format that is ever-changing due to additions to the format through downshifts and prints of new cards, especially in special sets such as Masters sets or Commander Legends. This is a series of articles with a list of cards that the Pauper community would like to be reprinted or cards that could be interesting to have access to the format, composed by the opinion of different communities and groups together with some cards that I find particularly interesting to the format and that could be reprinted as common at some point in the future.
05/01/21 • We will follow a sequence: deck story article, deck tech and side tech with side guide, with a total of three articles per deck
26/11/20 • We'll look at the story of one of Magic's most famous archetypes
12/09/20 • Hello my friends, I'm Betão and today I'm going to escape a little from the traditional Pauper that we know to bring you a format that is not new, but lately it has caught the attention of both Commander and Pauper players.
28/08/20 • Let's start a new journey together with the high level multiplayer admirers. Here we will discuss the most popular archetypes of the cEDH and what they have to add to us.
04/08/20 • Do you want to play Standard but you are on a budget? Are you missing Wildcards but you still want to compete? Fear no longer! This series of articles are a great way to start and advance in Magic Arena without spending a lot of gold and gems!
21/06/20 • Teferi is an ancient being who has seen many things. He is a philosopher and scientist. Here we are going to tell you the lore of the Planeswalker Teferi.