MTG > Combos > Burning-Tree Emissary +Pili-Pala +Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker +Agatha's Soul Cauldron +
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
one in the cemetery and the other on the battlefield (already ready to turn) 1- Exile the one in the cemetery withAgatha's Soul Cauldron
and place the coutner on the one on the battlefield. 2- castBurning-Tree Emissary
generate to your mana pool. 3- Create a copy ofBurning-Tree Emissary
generate to your mana pool. 4- Pay untap what is on the field ([Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker]] orpili-pala
) repeat the process for infinite colored mana, infinite etb and infinite tokensLegallity
Commander Legacy Modern Block Booster Draft Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Joao BISMAYK • reviewed
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