Competitive Constructed League
58 Spieler
The EPIC Storm
5V-0D JohnBeGone
Jund Vengevine
5V-0D oosunq
Sultai Hogaak
5V-0D ellaone
5V-0D hellonewton
Sultai Hogaak
5V-0D shingro
5V-0D AlexanderNevermind
5V-0D Fatcaster_Mage
The EPIC Storm
5V-0D Vivarus
BGUW Aluren
5V-0D Charble
Grixis Control
5V-0D Hammafist
108 in 27 decks
#2 Willenskraft
104 in 26 decks
93 in 24 decks
#4 Ödland
73 in 22 decks
#5 Lotusblüte
69 in 18 decks
68 in 19 decks
67 in 22 decks
64 in 16 decks
63 in 31 decks
#10 Pyroblast
59 in 29 decks
#11 Urzas Sage
53 in 14 decks
#12 Siedender Tümpel
51 in 15 decks
47 in 18 decks
45 in 14 decks
#15 Berg
45 in 13 decks
#16 Negierungskraft
45 in 27 decks
45 in 17 decks
43 in 12 decks
#19 Zähigkeit
43 in 23 decks
39 in 12 decks
#21 Kelch der Leere
39 in 10 decks
36 in 15 decks
35 in 17 decks
32 in 9 decks
#25 Vulkaninsel
32 in 16 decks
#26 Dunkles Ritual
32 in 8 decks
#27 Seuchenzüchter
31 in 17 decks
#28 Chrommox
31 in 9 decks
#29 Roter Urknall
31 in 18 decks
#30 Uro, Titan des Zorns der Natur
31 in 11 decks
31 in 10 decks
#32 Insel
30 in 18 decks
#33 Tundra
28 in 15 decks
#34 Opalmox
28 in 8 decks
27 in 8 decks
#36 Diamantmox
27 in 8 decks
26 in 8 decks
#38 Tropeninsel
26 in 16 decks
#39 Blütenteppich
26 in 11 decks
25 in 8 decks
#41 Karakas
23 in 17 decks
#42 Ebenen
23 in 8 decks
23 in 15 decks
#44 Bayou
23 in 16 decks
23 in 9 decks
#46 Aufregungssturm
23 in 15 decks
#47 Unheilskauz
23 in 7 decks
#48 Dämmerzustand
23 in 7 decks
#49 Zerzauste Heide
22 in 8 decks
#50 Trinisphäre
22 in 7 decks
#51 Wald
21 in 13 decks
20 in 6 decks
20 in 7 decks
#54 Blitz
20 in 6 decks
#55 Abrupter Verfall
20 in 8 decks
#56 Narset, Lüfterin der Schleier
20 in 9 decks
#57 Makabre Fee
20 in 8 decks
19 in 7 decks
19 in 8 decks
#60 Leben aus Lehm
19 in 9 decks
#61 Hydroblast
18 in 12 decks
#62 Vitalitätskraft
18 in 8 decks
#63 Mishras Brosche
18 in 5 decks
#64 Fruchtfolge
18 in 5 decks
#65 Fabel vom Spiegelbrecher // Spiegelung von Kiki-Jiki
18 in 6 decks
#66 Straßenwraith
18 in 5 decks
17 in 7 decks
#68 Mindbreak-Falle
17 in 7 decks
#69 Taiga
17 in 11 decks
17 in 8 decks
#71 Marknadel
17 in 14 decks
17 in 8 decks
16 in 4 decks
#74 Dreister Kreditnehmer // Bagatelldiebstahl
16 in 12 decks
16 in 4 decks
16 in 7 decks
15 in 4 decks
#78 Hymne an Tourach
15 in 4 decks
#79 Sammler Ouphe
15 in 13 decks
#80 Ödland
15 in 8 decks
#81 Dahinschmelzen
15 in 9 decks
15 in 7 decks
#83 Gram
15 in 4 decks
#84 Griselbrand
15 in 5 decks
14 in 8 decks
#86 Thespian-Bühne
14 in 6 decks
#87 Waldesbibliothek
14 in 7 decks
14 in 4 decks
#89 Seelengewölbe
14 in 5 decks
14 in 7 decks
13 in 8 decks
13 in 6 decks
#93 Böse Tat
13 in 9 decks
#94 Brackmarsch
13 in 5 decks
#95 Schleifstein
13 in 5 decks
12 in 3 decks
12 in 8 decks
#98 Thalia, Wächterin von Thraben
12 in 3 decks
12 in 3 decks
#100 Schatten des Todes
12 in 3 decks