Teferi was born in Jamuraa, in the kingdom of Zhalfir. Because of his talent he was invited to study at the Tolarian Academy, where he met Karn, Barrin and Jhoira. During the time travel experiments of his mentor Urza, a time accident exploded the academy and Teferi got stuck in a slow time bubble, which made him age more slowly. Jhoira of the Ghitu found Teferi 20 years later and freed him from the bubble of time and a few days had passed for him.

Teferi remained in the academy and contributed to Urza's experiments, helping to create the legacy, working on the Mana Rig, energizing the artifacts and teaching refugees from the Kingdom of Serra that was destroyed by the Phyrexians. The magician was closer to Jhoira, for whom he felt something other than friendship, but he never carried those feelings forward. After many years working together, Teferi decided to return to his homeland that was suffering from political conflicts and in Zalfhir he became the royal magician and guardian of Jamuraa, the largest kingdom in Dominaria. As a real magician he became friends with Jolrael, Empress of Beasts, who is a Spellshaper, a magician capable of mastering a single magic but with excellent mastery.

At some undisclosed moment, Teferi lit his Planeswalker spark, thereby feeling a strong desire to explore the multiverse's planes. To travel, he created 5 guilds to protect the kingdom in his absence and maintain order, the Civic Guild aligned with white, the Shapers Guild aligned with blue, the Shadow Guild aligned with black, the Armors Guild aligned with red and the Farmers Guild aligned with green. So, he left on his journey to learn more about the multiverse.
When he returned, Teferi found the continent on the brink of war. The south of Zhalfir separated and formed the theocracy of Femeref, as the churches did not agree with the fact that Teferi left in the hands of the Shadow Guilds the control of the dead. To resolve the country's conflicts, Teferi chose a child with royal blood and then he crowned her as queen of the kingdom, so that the guilds would now serve a single symbol. It brought peace to the nation, but failed to unify it. Tired of the small discussions of his people, Teferi went out with a group of trusted advisers, sages, artisans and sorcerers. They sailed to the Chaza Islands, where Teferi wanted to manipulate time to facilitate the summoning of creatures.
The experiments were successful for a while, allowing Teferi to summon powerful creatures that would be useful in future battles. The magician realized that his experiment was extremely unstable, but haven't given that the importance it deserved... until the damage was done. The wizard's experiences damaged the time balance and he tried to correct the timeline by triggering an explosion of mana to fix the hole in time. The unleashed mana burned all the plants, creatures and buildings on the island, then the island just disappeared!
The wave of energy caused by the experiment attracted three powerful wizards. The first was Mangara of Corondor, a wise man who was well versed in politics and was attracted by curiosity. The second was Teferi's old friend, Jolrael, she knew the wizard was in that place and went to see what happened to the friend. The last was Urborg's Kaervek the Merciless, who wondered if he could use the power for his own gain. After realizing that there was nothing on the island, the three moved to the region to monitor the place. Mangara became involved in local politics and with his brilliant diplomacy, resolved the struggles between countries and achieved an important position. Driven by jealousy, Kaervek manipulated Jolrael to join him and fight Mangara. The two managed to arrest Mangara in an amber prison and declared war on the nations that supported him.

Years later, the Island of Teferi returned. Soon, Jolrael sent her dragons to the site. Teferi fought the creatures and realized that something was terribly wrong. The planeswalker did some research and found that they were absent from time for many years and that their attempt to fix the timeline indirectly caused a major war on the continent. Unable to interfere directly in the war due to his need to monitor and reconstruct the flow of time, Teferi helped the unified kingdoms by teaching methods to improve his spells. However, for the rest of the war he remained on the sidelines of the conflict. Still, he felt great guilt since it was because of him that the war started. After convincing his friend Jolrael that she was on the wrong side, she went to the side of the defenders of the kingdoms and without the support of the powerful green mage, Kaervek was finally defeated. After the end of the war, Teferi remained secluded in the Chaza Islands and gave up on manipulating over time.
Shortly before the Phyrexian Invasion, Keld's kingdom attacked Jamuraa in search of the Hero's Blood, it was necessary to revive the Keldonian champions in Keld Necropolis, because with this force they could defend themselves against the invasion. The attack on Jamurra was led by the supervisor Latulla, Keldon Overseer, a talented and proud warrior, she is also a Spellshaper.
Lattulla and her soldiers were defeated by Jamuraa's alliance with the Keld War Council, who did not agree to interfere in the Keld Necropolis, where the honorable Keldonians rested. Teferi stayed out of the war until the very last moment, when he defeated the remaining Keldoninaos. That battle made Teferi realize that he didn't want to be part of Urza's plans to fight Phyrexia and started looking for an alternative, to avoid war.

When the invasion began, a portal opened in Zhalfir's sky, Teferi convinced Urza to join him and use his powers to absorb the energy from the portals until they were destroyed. Teferi told his ex-mentor that he had a plan and would use the portal's energy for something else, but when Urza found out what that plan was, he didn't agree with Teferi and tried to stop his pupil. It was too late. Teferi began his last act in the war. Using the large amount of energy taken from the Phyrexian portals, he phased out (sent to a place outside space and time) part of the continent of Jamuraa. It was this magic that he learned from all his experiments, sometime later the continent reappeared close to the continent of Shiv, where he found Jhoira and his companions and once again began to use his phase-out magic to save them from the brutal attacks of the Phyrexians. Urza went over to Teferi furiously and said that he didn't know what he was messing with, ordering him to stop. Teferi realized that it would kill many of his colleagues, but it was too late, Zalfhir and part of Shiv, disappeared from the Dominaria map.

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