MTG > Metagame Commander > deck Esior, Wardwing Familiar // Alharu, Solemn Ritualist
The deck "Esior, Wardwing Familiar // Alharu, Solemn Ritualist" in Commander format focuses on a flying tribal theme with a mix of control and lifegain elements. Esior and Alharu work together to create a deck that can generate incremental advantage and tempo while disrupting opponents' strategies. **Strategy:** The strategy of the deck revolves around playing flying creatures to benefit from Alharu's ability to gain life whenever a creature with flying enters the battlefield under your control. Esior helps reduce the cost of casting Alharu, making it easier to get the lifegain engine going. The deck aims to control the board with flying creatures, protect Alharu, and gain life to outvalue opponents over time. Cards like Isperia, Supreme Judge can provide card draw, while Inspiring Captain and Captivating Unicorn boost your creatures' power. **Good Points:** - Strong synergy between Esior and Alharu for cost reduction and lifegain. - Flying creatures provide evasion and can put pressure on opponents. - Lifegain helps stabilize your life total and outvalue opponents in longer games. - Some control elements like Isperia and Angel of Finality help disrupt opponents' strategies. **Bad Points:** - Relies heavily on having flying creatures on the battlefield for Alharu's ability to be effective. - Vulnerable to board wipes and spot removal targeting key creatures. - Limited ways to deal with non-flying threats, so opponents with ground-based strategies can pose a challenge. Overall, the deck offers a fun and interactive playstyle with a mix of flying creatures, control elements, and lifegain synergies. It can be rewarding to pilot successfully but requires careful positioning and card management to overcome its weaknesses.
Example deck with Esior, Wardwing Familiar // Alharu, Solemn Ritualist
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