Mono-Green Devotion is a popular Modern deck in Magic: the Gathering that focuses on ramping up mana quickly and playing big, powerful creatures. The strategy of the deck revolves around using cards like Urza's Mine, Urza's Power Plant, and Urza's Tower (collectively known as Tron lands) to generate a large amount of mana to cast threats like Primeval Titan, Wurmcoil Engine, and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. The deck also utilizes cards like Amulet of Vigor and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove to ensure smooth mana production and fixing. Boseiju, Who Endures and Cursed Totem can help protect against control decks, while Karn, the Great Creator acts as both a threat and a toolbox, shutting down artifacts and searching for key pieces. Good points of the deck include its ability to quickly ramp up and cast powerful threats, as well as its resilience against certain strategies with cards like Relic of Progenitus and Oblivion Stone. However, the deck can struggle against aggressive decks that can disrupt its mana base or apply pressure before it can establish its board presence. Overall, Mono-Green Devotion is a solid and versatile deck in Modern, capable of going toe-to-toe with a variety of strategies and adapting to different metagames.
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