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MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck MonoBlack Sacrifice

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About Pauper MonoBlack Sacrifice

Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, MonoBlack Sacrifice is a deck with the following key cards: Swamp, Infestation Sage, Village Rites, Vampire Aristocrat, Lazotep Reaver, Nezumi Linkbreaker, with an overall win percentage of 48.3% in 31 games in the last 6 months. and worst against Grixis Affinity. In recent appearances luiz0211 made 3V-1L at Fuguete League 175 and ZionSlave made 4V-0L at Pauper Royale 181 - Premiação dobrada!!!!.

Main Deck cards MonoBlack Sacrifice

Sideboard cards MonoBlack Sacrifice


"MonoBlack Sacrifice" in Pauper is a deck that focuses on sacrificing your own creatures for various benefits while disrupting your opponent's game plan. The deck aims to control the board and slowly grind out advantage over time. Some of the key strategies in this deck include using cards like Carrion Feeder and Mortician Beetle to benefit from sacrificing creatures, while also utilizing cards like Tithing Blade // Consuming Sepulcher and Village Rites to generate value from sacrificing your own creatures. Additionally, cards like Chainer's Edict and Crypt Rats help control the board and keep your opponent's creatures in check. One of the strengths of this deck is its ability to generate card advantage and grind out wins in longer games. The sacrifice theme also allows you to recur creatures from the graveyard and continue applying pressure to your opponent. However, a potential weakness of the deck is its vulnerability to aggressive strategies, as it can be slow to set up its engine and requires time to establish board presence. Additionally, the deck may struggle against decks with heavy removal or disruption that can disrupt its game plan. Overall, MonoBlack Sacrifice in Pauper offers a unique and fun playstyle that rewards careful resource management and strategic sacrifice decisions. It can be a challenging deck to pilot effectively but can be very rewarding when executed well.

Pauper deck MonoBlack Sacrifice: Last winning deck

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V %

Overall Matchs




41.6 %

Overall Games




48.3 %

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