Ah, Selesnya Midrange in Pioneer! A classic choice for those who enjoy a balanced mix of creatures and disruption. The strategy of this deck revolves around playing efficient threats at every point of the curve, while also having access to powerful sideboard options to handle a variety of matchups. One of the strengths of this deck is its ability to go wide with tokens and pump effects like Venerated Loxodon, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, and Nissa, Voice of Zendikar. This can overwhelm opponents quickly, especially when backed up by cards like Collected Company to cheat creatures into play at instant speed. On the flip side, the deck can struggle against decks with heavy removal or sweepers, as it relies on building a board presence to win. Cards like Rest in Peace and Selfless Spirit can help protect against graveyard strategies and board wipes, but it's still a consideration when facing control or combo decks. Overall, Selesnya Midrange is a solid choice for players who enjoy a proactive game plan with a mix of creatures and disruption. It can adapt well to different metagames with the right sideboard choices and offers a fun and interactive playstyle for those who prefer a midrange approach.
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