MTG > Metagame Commander > deck Glarb, Calamity's Augur
Main Deck cards Glarb, Calamity's Augur
The deck "Glarb, Calamity's Augur" in the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering be focused on graveyard interaction, reanimation, and control elements. Here's a breakdown of the strategy and some of the good and bad points based on the cards you provided: **Strategy:** - **Graveyard Interaction:** Cards like Victimize, Living Death, Entomb, and Buried Alive allow you to manipulate your graveyard, fill it with creatures, and bring them back to the battlefield. - **Ramp:** Sol Ring, Farseek, and Fellwar Stone help you ramp up your mana to cast your spells faster. - **Control Elements:** Toxic Deluge, Tidespout Tyrant, and Nezahal, Primal Tide provide control and disruption to your opponents' strategies. - **Reanimation:** Terastodon, Sheoldred, Whispering One, and Living Death help you bring creatures back from the graveyard. **Good Points:** - **Powerful Reanimation:** With cards like Living Death and Buried Alive, you can bring back key creatures and disrupt your opponents' board states. - **Mana Ramp:** Cards like Sol Ring and Farseek help you accelerate your mana production, allowing you to cast your spells sooner. - **Control Elements:** Toxic Deluge and Tidespout Tyrant provide ways to control the board and deal with threats effectively. **Bad Points:** - **Reliance on the Graveyard:** If your graveyard manipulation gets disrupted or if you can't access your reanimation spells, your strategy may falter. - **Vulnerability to Graveyard Hate:** Decks that heavily interact with graveyards can be vulnerable to graveyard hate cards like Rest in Peace or Leyline of the Void. - **Limited Card Draw:** The deck may need more card draw options to ensure consistent access to resources and answers. Overall, the deck have a strong emphasis on graveyard interactions and reanimation, with some control elements to support its strategy. It can be powerful and disruptive but may need to address potential weaknesses like graveyard hate and card draw to enhance its consistency and resilience.
Example deck with Glarb, Calamity's Augur
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