The Gruul Depths deck in Legacy is a powerful and versatile strategy that revolves around using the combo of Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage to create a 20/20 Marit Lage token. The deck aims to disrupt opponents with cards like Wasteland, Crop Rotation, and Force of Vigor while also utilizing cards like Life from the Loam and Exploration to generate card advantage and mana acceleration. Good Points: 1. The deck can quickly assemble the Dark Depths combo, allowing for a fast win condition. 2. It has a good amount of disruption with cards like Wasteland and Force of Vigor to handle opposing threats. 3. It has the ability to grind out games with Life from the Loam and Exploration for long-term value. Bad Points: 1. The deck is susceptible to graveyard hate like Surgical Extraction, which can disrupt its game plan. 2. It can struggle against fast combo decks that can win before the Dark Depths combo is assembled. 3. It may have trouble against decks with heavy countermagic or opposing land destruction strategies. Overall, Gruul Depths is a unique and powerful deck in Legacy that requires careful piloting and solid decision-making to succeed. It offers a mix of explosive combo potential and resilient grindy gameplay, making it a rewarding choice for skilled players.
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