MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Moggwarts
About Pauper Moggwarts
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Moggwarts is a deck with the following key cards: with an overall win percentage of 51.7% in 29 games in the last 6 months. and worst against Gruul Ponza. In recent appearances Mikito9171 made 3V-1L at Tropical Pauper 188 and RubensNetto made 34º at Pauper Challenge 32.
"Moggwarts" is a Pauper deck focused on utilizing goblin tribal synergy along with sacrificing and recursion effects to overwhelm the opponent. The deck's strategy revolves around deploying low-cost goblin creatures like Goblin Matron, Putrid Goblin, and Skirk Prospector to generate mana and apply pressure early in the game. Cards like Deadly Dispute, Fanatical Offering, and Makeshift Munitions allow you to sacrifice your goblins for additional benefits, such as card draw, removal, or direct damage. The inclusion of cards like Exhume and Unearth enables you to bring back key creatures from the graveyard, ensuring a steady stream of threats. The deck also plays disruption spells like Duress and Red Elemental Blast to disrupt your opponent's game plan. Additionally, cards like Nihil Spellbomb and Pyroblast can help you control the graveyard and counter your opponent's spells effectively. One of the strengths of "Moggwarts" is its ability to generate value through sacrificing creatures and recurring them from the graveyard. This provides a resilient and aggressive game plan that can quickly overwhelm unprepared opponents. The goblin tribal theme also ensures that your creatures work well together and synergize effectively. However, the deck can struggle against heavy control decks that rely on board wipes and targeted removal to disrupt your strategy. Without a strong backup plan, "Moggwarts" may find it difficult to recover from such disruptive plays. Additionally, the deck's reliance on the graveyard makes it vulnerable to graveyard hate cards like Rest in Peace or Relic of Progenitus. Overall, "Moggwarts" is a fun and synergistic Pauper deck that can catch opponents off guard with its explosive plays and efficient goblin tribal synergies. It requires careful planning and timing to maximize its potential and adapt to different matchups.
Pauper deck Moggwarts: Last winning deck
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