MTG >Combos >Ob Nixilis, le Déchu +Pierrecoeur +Veine de cristal +Tayam, énigme lumineuse +
Start with all cards on board and 3 counters on your permanents.
1. Sacrifice 
Crystal Vein
for 2 mana 2. ActivateTayam, Luminous Enigma
by paying 2 and removing the 3 counters from your permanents. Get the Crystal Vein back. 3. Crystal Vein etb. causingOb Nixilis, the Fallen
to gain 3 markers, and have an opponent lose 3 life. Repeat. for infinite self mill and infinite life loss to your opponents.Légalité
Commander Legacy Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Jean-Baptiste • revu
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