MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Jund Dredge
About Pauper Jund Dredge
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Jund Dredge is a deck with the following key cards: Forest, Exhume, Troll of Khazad-dûm, Generous Ent, Dread Return, Swamp, Lotleth Giant, Geothermal Bog, with an overall win percentage of 47.7% in 153 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Mono Blue Tempo and Grixis Affinity and worst against Orzhov Gates and GW Auras. In recent appearances daniel marcelino made 3V-1L at Fuguete SpellTable PAUPER 24 and Jhow1991 made 3V-1L at Pauper Royale 214.
Main Deck cards Jund Dredge
Sideboard cards Jund Dredge
The Jund Dredge deck in Pauper Magic: The Gathering is an intriguing archetype that focuses on self-mill and graveyard recursion to gain an advantage over opponents. Here's a breakdown of the strategy, good points, and potential weaknesses: 1. Strategy: - The deck aims to fill its graveyard by discarding cards, sacrificing creatures, and milling itself, utilizing cards like Stinkweed Imp, Satyr Wayfinder, and Generous Ent to achieve this. - Once the graveyard is loaded, the deck can leverage cards like Dread Return and Exhume to reanimate powerful creatures like Lotleth Giant or Troll of Khazad-dûm. - Cards like Gnaw to the Bone provide lifegain to survive aggressive matchups, while Ancient Grudge and Ray of Revelation offer removal and disruption against artifact or enchantment-heavy decks. 2. Good Points: - The deck has the potential for explosive plays by reanimating big threats early in the game. - It can outvalue opponents by recurring creatures and gaining card advantage from the graveyard. - Gnaw to the Bone can help stabilize the deck against aggressive strategies, allowing for survivability in longer games. 3. Weaknesses: - The deck is susceptible to graveyard hate, such as cards like Relic of Progenitus or Nihil Spellbomb. - Without the right setup, the deck can struggle to interact with opponents or apply pressure on the board. - Inconsistent draws or disruption to key pieces like Dread Return can hinder the deck's performance. Overall, Jund Dredge in Pauper offers a unique and fun gameplay experience with the potential for explosive plays, but it also requires careful navigation of graveyard interactions and resilience against hate cards to succeed in a competitive environment.
Pauper deck Jund Dredge: Last winning deck
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