MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Naya Gates
About Pauper Naya Gates
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Naya Gates is a deck with the following key cards: Manor Gate, Thraben Charm, Writhing Chrysalis, Sacred Cat, Kor Skyfisher, Cliffgate, Basilisk Gate, Gatecreeper Vine, Thraben Inspector, with an overall win percentage of 59.4% in 37 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Grixis Aggro and Gruul Ponza and worst against Grixis Aggro and Gruul Ponza. In recent appearances GringoP made 3V-1L at FUGUETE CHAMP 227 and GringoP made 3V-1L at Tropical Pauper 222.
Main Deck cards Naya Gates
4.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
3.6 in 100% of decks
3.4 in 100% of decks
3.4 in 100% of decks
2.8 in 100% of decks
2.0 in 100% of decks
1.2 in 100% of decks
1.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 60% of decks
2.7 in 60% of decks
2.0 in 60% of decks
3.5 in 40% of decks
3.5 in 40% of decks
2.0 in 40% of decks
2.0 in 40% of decks
Sideboard cards Naya Gates
3.5 in 80% of decks
2.0 in 80% of decks
2.3 in 60% of decks
2.0 in 60% of decks
1.7 in 60% of decks
3.0 in 40% of decks
3.0 in 40% of decks
3.0 in 40% of decks
2.0 in 40% of decks
2.0 in 40% of decks
1.0 in 40% of decks
The "Naya Gates" deck in Pauper Magic: The Gathering is a unique deck that focuses on utilizing Gates as a mana base and generating value from them. The deck's strategy revolves around using cards like Kor Skyfisher and Gatecreeper Vine to bounce Gates back to hand for continuous mana generation. It also aims to control the board with removal spells like Lightning Bolt and Flame Slash while gaining life and card advantage with cards like Armadillo Cloak and Thraben Inspector. One of the good points of the deck is its ability to generate consistent mana thanks to the Gates and ramp spells like Abundant Growth. It also has access to powerful removal spells in the form of Dust to Dust and Journey to Nowhere, allowing it to deal with a variety of threats. The deck can also gain life and protect itself with cards like Sacred Cat and Prismatic Strands. However, one of the downsides of the deck is its vulnerability to aggressive decks due to its slower mana base and reliance on tapping out for Gate creatures. It can also struggle against decks that can disrupt its mana base or outvalue it in the late game. Overall, the "Naya Gates" deck provides a unique and interesting playstyle that focuses on mana generation and value from Gates, making it a fun and challenging deck to pilot in the Pauper format.
Pauper deck Naya Gates: Last winning deck

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