MTG > Combos > Mycosynth Lattice +Rings of Brighthearth +Basalt Monolith +Theater of Horrors +
Mycosinth Lattice allows players to use mana as if it were any color.
Tap Basalt Monolith to add three mana
Pay three mana to untap Basalt Monolith
Pay two mana to copy Basalt Monolith's ability with Rings of Brighthearth
Untap Basalt Monolith with the first trigger, and tap it again to add three mana
Untap it again with the second trigger, and tap it to add three more mana
Repeat process for infinite mana
With infinite mana, cast Theater of Horrors and use the enchantment's ability to deal infinite damage.
Commander Legacy Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Mario Romero • reviewed
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