MTG > Combos > Staff of Domination +Grim Monolith +Trazyn the Infinite +
Trazyn the Infinite
on the battlefield,Staff of Domination
andGrim Monolith
in your graveyard. 1- TapTrazyn the Infinite
byMana Vault
skill in your graveyard and add mana. 2- UntapTrazyn the Infinite
byStaff of Domination
ability in your graveyard for 1. 3- Repeat infinite times when you have infinite mana you can useStaff of Domination
ability and gain infinite life and infinite draw due toTrazyn the Infinite
getting all your ability.Legallity
Commander Legacy Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Luiz Besamat • reviewed
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