MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Grixis Burn
About Pauper Grixis Burn
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Grixis Burn is a deck with the following key cards: Alms of the Vein, Sneaky Snacker, Fiery Temper, Lightning Bolt, Kitchen Imp, Mountain, Jagged Barrens, Faithless Looting, Voldaren Epicure, with an overall win percentage of 48.2% in 2130 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Burn and GRUW and worst against BRU and Mono Red Kuldotha. In recent appearances ZedoMagic made 3V-1L at Fuguete League 204 and GuimaMogi made 3V-1L at FUGUETE CHAMP 217.
Main Deck cards Grixis Burn
Sideboard cards Grixis Burn
The Grixis Burn deck in Pauper is an interesting and aggressive deck that focuses on dealing direct damage to the opponent while also disrupting their game plan. The deck utilizes a mix of burn spells, creature removal, and life gain to control the board and finish off the opponent quickly. One of the key strategies of the deck is to use cards like Lightning Bolt, Fiery Temper, and Galvanic Blast to deal direct damage to the opponent or remove threatening creatures from the board. Faithless Looting helps the deck dig for more burn spells or threats while also filling up the graveyard for cards like Alms of the Vein or Voldaren Epicure. Some of the good points of the deck include its ability to quickly close out games with its burn spells and aggressive creatures. The deck can also disrupt the opponent's game plan with cards like Nihil Spellbomb and Trespasser's Curse, making it difficult for them to stabilize. However, the deck can struggle against decks with a lot of life gain or creature removal, as it relies heavily on dealing damage quickly to win. Additionally, the deck can sometimes have trouble dealing with large threats that it can't easily remove. Overall, Grixis Burn is a fun and powerful deck in Pauper that can be very effective in the right meta. It rewards careful planning and precise play, making it a popular choice for players looking for a fast-paced and interactive deck.
Pauper deck Grixis Burn: Last winning deck
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