You didn't ask for reality: You asked for more teeth!
Announced during the last MagicCon Las Vegas, Universes Beyond will bring new cards together with the Set Lost Caverns of Ixalan arriving on November 17th, 2023.
Lost Caverns of Ixalan will be the last complete Set to be released in 2023, being an interesting combination of dinosaurs from the Jurassic World franchise, vampires, merfolk and various arts inspired by South American culture.
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Among the cards presented from Jurassic World we have 3: the scientist Ian Malcolm, Chaotician, the terrible Indominus Rex, Alpha and a card from Saga named Welcome to... // Jurassic Park, where in its art it is possible to recognize the iconic scene where Alan Grant distracts the fearsome T. Rex in its first appearance in the 93 film and on its back there is the classic entrance gate to the park.
![Image content of the Website](
In addition to the movie-focused cards, we will have new locations and creatures, including a new version of Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant, the warrior Huatli, Poet of Unity and Lord of Atlantis.
![Image content of the Website](
Life always finds a way!
The best news and coverage of everything happening at MagicCon can be found here on Cards Realm. Taking advantage of the new Ghalta cards, get to know this Deck Tech Commander: Ghalta and Mavren
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