MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Esper Familiar
About Pauper Esper Familiar
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Esper Familiar is a deck with the following key cards: Island, Preordain, God-Pharaoh's Faithful, Mulldrifter, Snuff Out, Archaeomancer, Ash Barrens, with an overall win percentage of 42.8% in 14 games in the last 6 months. and worst against Orzhov Gates. In recent appearances MichelBiro made 3V-1L at FUGUETE CHAMP 215 and MichelBiro made 3V-1L at Pauper Premium - 09.
Main Deck cards Esper Familiar
Sideboard cards Esper Familiar
The Esper Familiar deck in Pauper Magic: The Gathering is a control-combo deck that focuses on generating card advantage and casting recurring spells to outvalue opponents. The deck's main strategy involves using cards like Mulldrifter, Ghostly Flicker, and Ephemerate to draw additional cards, generate mana, and gain incremental advantages. One of the key cards in the deck is Sunscape Familiar, which reduces the cost of white and blue spells by one colorless mana. This allows the deck to cast multiple spells in a turn and create powerful synergies with cards like Archaeomancer and Ghostly Flicker. Some of the good points of the deck include its ability to generate card advantage and outvalue opponents in the late game. The deck also has strong removal options like Snuff Out and Cast Down to deal with threats on the board. Additionally, the deck has access to countermagic in the form of Counterspell and Dispel to protect its key combo pieces. However, the deck can struggle against aggressive strategies that aim to disrupt its game plan early on. Cards like Duress and Suffocating Fumes can also disrupt the deck's combos and make it difficult to win against certain matchups. Overall, the Esper Familiar deck in Pauper Magic: The Gathering offers a unique playstyle that rewards careful planning and smart sequencing of spells. It has the potential to generate powerful board states and overwhelm opponents with its card advantage and synergistic interactions.
Pauper deck Esper Familiar: Last winning deck
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