The Azorius Standstill deck in Vintage is a control deck that aims to lock down the game while grinding out incremental advantages. The centerpiece of the deck is the card Standstill, which forces both players to stop playing spells to avoid giving the opponent free cards. The strategy of the deck revolves around disrupting the opponent's game plan with counter spells like Force of Will, Force of Negation, and Spell Pierce, while also utilizing cards like Wasteland and Strip Mine to disrupt their mana base. The deck also runs powerful creatures like Containment Priest and Lavinia, Azorius Renegade to further disrupt the opponent's strategies. Mishra's Bauble and Gitaxian Probe provide card advantage and information about the opponent's hand, while cards like Swords to Plowshares and Pithing Needle offer removal and disruption options. The good points of the deck include its ability to control the game, disrupt the opponent's strategy, and generate card advantage. It can handle a wide range of threats and has the potential to outvalue the opponent in the long game. However, the deck's reliance on Standstill can sometimes be a double-edged sword, as it can give the opponent free card advantage if they are able to break the Standstill effectively. The deck can also struggle against fast combo decks that can win before the control elements come online. Additionally, the mana base of the deck can be vulnerable to cards like Blood Moon or Back to Basics. Overall, Azorius Standstill is a powerful and interactive deck in Vintage that rewards skilled piloting and careful resource management.
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