MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Jeskai Caw-Gate
About Pauper Jeskai Caw-Gate
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Jeskai Caw-Gate is a deck with the following key cards: Sea Gate, Squadron Hawk, Sacred Cat, Prismatic Strands, Brainstorm, Counterspell, Citadel Gate, The Modern Age , with an overall win percentage of 76.4% in 17 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Grixis Affinity . In recent appearances TiagoFuguete made 4V-0L at Pauper Royale 219 and TiagoFuguete made 3V-1L at Pauper Royale 197.
Main Deck cards Jeskai Caw-Gate
Sideboard cards Jeskai Caw-Gate
The "Jeskai Caw-Gate" deck in Pauper Magic: The Gathering combines elements of control and evasion to outmaneuver opponents. The strategy revolves around using cards like Citadel Gate and Basilisk Gate to protect your creatures, such as Sacred Cat and Squadron Hawk, while disrupting your opponent's plans with cards like Counterspell and Journey to Nowhere. The deck also utilizes efficient removal spells like Prismatic Strands and Dust to Dust to deal with threats on the board. One of the strengths of the deck is its ability to control the game through a combination of counter magic, removal, and card advantage. The deck has access to a wide range of answers to various threats, giving it versatility in different matchups. Additionally, the flying creatures like Squadron Hawk and Vector Glider can apply pressure and close out games quickly. However, a potential weakness of the deck is its reliance on specific key pieces to function effectively. If the opponent can disrupt your key combo pieces or apply fast aggression, it can be challenging to recover. The mana base with Guildgates and Gates can also be a bit slow, making the deck vulnerable to aggressive strategies. Overall, "Jeskai Caw-Gate" is a versatile and interactive deck that can be rewarding to pilot for players who enjoy a control-oriented playstyle in Pauper format Magic: The Gathering.
Pauper deck Jeskai Caw-Gate: Last winning deck
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