MTG > Combos > Fathom Mage +Psychic Corrosion +The Wise Mothman +
Start with all permanents on the battlefield.
1. Whenever you draw a card, you make your opponents mill.
2. Whenever one or more players mill, 
The Wise Mothman
will trigger, put a +1/+1 onFathom Mage
. 3. When you put a +1/+1 onFathom Mage
, you will draw a card - go to number 1. You can start this combo at any step, although it will probably be by drawing a card. Note that this has around a 0.04% chance of failing each time.Legallity
Commander Legacy Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by blobishly • reviewed
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