Esper Control is a classic control deck archetype in Magic: The Gathering. The main strategy of this deck is to control the game through counterspells, removal spells, and card advantage, while setting up a win condition that can finish the game once the opponent's resources are depleted. Some key points about the deck: Good points: 1. Strong control elements: Cards like Negate, Disdainful Stroke, and Duress help you disrupt your opponent's game plan and protect your own threats. 2. Versatile removal: Cards like Go for the Throat and Cut Down allow you to deal with a wide range of threats efficiently. 3. Card advantage: Cards like No More Lies and Faerie Mastermind help you draw additional cards to maintain a full grip and outvalue your opponent. Bad points: 1. Vulnerability to aggro decks: Esper Control decks can struggle against aggressive strategies that aim to win quickly before the control player can stabilize. 2. Mana base can be inconsistent: The deck runs multiple colors, so you may sometimes face issues with getting the right colors of mana at the right time. 3. Lack of proactive threats: While the deck excels at controlling the game, it might have fewer finishers or proactive threats that can close out the game quickly once you've gained control. Overall, Esper Control is a powerful and fun deck to play, offering a challenging and rewarding experience for players who enjoy controlling the pace of the game and outmaneuvering their opponents.
Standard: Esper Control - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide
Article | Raniere
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