MTG > Metagame Commander > deck Meren of Clan Nel Toth
Main Deck cards Meren of Clan Nel Toth
The "Meren of Clan Nel Toth" deck in Commander format is a powerful graveyard recursion deck. Meren's ability to bring creatures back from the graveyard allows for a strong value engine and can overwhelm opponents with constant threats. The deck utilizes a combination of sacrifice outlets like Viscera Seer and creatures with beneficial death triggers like Fleshbag Marauder and Gray Merchant of Asphodel. These creatures can be repeatedly sacrificed and brought back by Meren to generate advantage and drain opponents' life totals. Cards like Eternal Witness and Reclamation Sage provide additional value by retrieving key cards from the graveyard or dealing with problematic permanents on the board. Victimize and Buried Alive are powerful spells that can set up graveyard recursion and enable powerful synergies. One of the strengths of the deck is its ability to grind out long games and generate value over time. Meren's ability to recur creatures and outvalue opponents in the long game can be difficult to deal with for many decks. However, the deck can be vulnerable to graveyard hate and disruption. Cards like Rest in Peace or Leyline of the Void can shut down the deck's primary game plan and make it difficult to recover. Additionally, relying too heavily on Meren as the sole source of recursion can leave the deck vulnerable to removal or counterspells targeting her. Overall, the "Meren of Clan Nel Toth" deck is a strong and resilient deck that excels in grindy matchups and can overwhelm opponents with powerful synergies and value generation from the graveyard.
Example deck with Meren of Clan Nel Toth
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