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Command Fest: 10 Casual Decks to Take to the Event and Play!

Command Fest: 10 Casual Decks to Take to the Event and Play!

Tabata Marques

With Command Fest and casual games in mind, we've prepared this article with 10 fun decks to play wi...

EDH Commander Casual

Top 5 Commanders who Generate Tokens

Top 5 Commanders who Generate Tokens

Nat Almeida

Do you want to build a deck focused on tokens, but don't know which commander to use? Check out our ...

commander tokens casual

22 places and famous personalities in Magic Cards

22 places and famous personalities in Magic Cards


We made another selection of known celebrities and places that, as it appears, visited Magic cards!

casual curiosities

Commander Deck Tech: Jon Inericus, Shattered One

Commander Deck Tech: Jon Inericus, Shattered One

Eduardo Silveira

For the end of the year festivities, a commander who came to bring discord to the table with the mis...

Dimir Casual Budget Commander

Unveiling Commander: Types of Mana Acceleration / Ramp

Unveiling Commander: Types of Mana Acceleration / Ramp

Vinicius Sorin

Understand the relevance and different kinds of mana acceleration that exists on Commander.

Commander casual mana

5 Decklists to start in Commander

5 Decklists to start in Commander

Eduardo Silveira

In this article, we present five monocolored decklists to help you to start your journey into Comma...

Commander Budget Casual

Commander: 9 Cards that should be banned from every table

Commander: 9 Cards that should be banned from every table

Eduardo Silveira

The greatest myths and taboos about using cards at casual tables in Commander.

Casual Rule 0 Commander

Commander Deckbuilding: Templates and Card Functions

Commander Deckbuilding: Templates and Card Functions

Vinicius Sorin

An article about what a Commander needs to have to be playable and how many cards it needs. A simple...

commander casual

2022: Free MTGO Tournament Schedule and Where to find them

2022: Free MTGO Tournament Schedule and Where to find them


In today's article, I present an updated schedule of all the free tournaments on MTGO and where to f...

mtgo casual tournament free

Pauper EDH: Best Crimson Vow Commanders + Deck Tech

Pauper EDH: Best Crimson Vow Commanders + Deck Tech


Check out our analysis of the best Commanders for Pauper EDH in Innistrad Crimson Vow, followed by a...

pauperedh commander casual

Speculating about Mark Rosewater's Ikoria teasers

Speculating about Mark Rosewater's Ikoria teasers


The following can be found in Ikoria

