MTG > Combos > Necrófago carnicero +Mensajero de Geralf +Degollador de Zulaport +Yawgmoth, médico Thran +
you need other creature in play and a token , put 2 -1/-1 in Yawgmoth, Thran Physician make 2 tokens sacrifice a token , pay one of life and put a -1-1 in Butcher Ghoul , make a token, gain one life , your oponentes loses one ,sacrifice Butcher Ghoul make other token put a -1-1 in Geralf's Messenger ,repeat infinite times, clear the board and draw all your cards
Commander Legacy Modern Block Booster Draft Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Luiz • revisado
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