Facebook Pixel image Combo 矛盾結果 +十三癡迷客 + Magic: the Gathering MTG

MTG > Combos > 矛盾結果 +十三癡迷客 +

你需要拥有一定数量的非地牌面恒久物,数量等于你手牌数量的一半,为了拥有13张手牌。 在对手回合结束时,使用“矛盾结局”并返回足够的牌面恒久物,以便在你抓牌时手牌总数达到13张。 在你的维持开始时,如果你的手牌数量恰好为13张,“十三恐怖”能力将赢得比赛。Edit combo

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David • 15/07/22

It should probably be noted that this only works if you have an odd number of cards in hand after casting paradoxical outcome, because you receive a number of cards equal to 2×the number of permanents you returned, which is always even. If you try this with an even number of cards in hand you can get to twelve, or fourteen, but never 13. Two even numbers never add up to an odd number.