MTG > Combos > Fenax, dios del engaño +Devorador de los muertos +
The combo is not infinite, but it has a good chance of milling your opponent's entire deck. Tap
Eater of the Dead
to use the ability fromPhenax, God of Deception
. Exile any creature that comes in these four cards that are going to be milled to untapEater of the Dead
and repeat the process. Ideally, other opponents, or even you, should have a creature in the graveyard so you can continue the combo if you don't hit any creatures on those four cards. Remember that this combo will not work against decks that have a very low number of creatures.Legalidad
Commander Legacy Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Ralf • revisado
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