MTG > Combos > Rey Macar, el Maldito de Oro +Reloj de presagios +Capa de metal líquido +
Liquimetal Coating
to transformKing Macar
into an artifact. Tap theKing Macar
andClock of Omens
to activate theClock of Omens
's ability, targeting theKing Macar
. After untapping it, you exile a creature and create a gold token. TapKing Macar
and the new gold token to activate theClock of Omens
's ability, targetingKing Macar
again. Repeat as necessary until all creatures are exiled and you have a large pile of gold.Legalidad
Commander Legacy Modern Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Penny Dreadful Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Gabe • revisado
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