Magic: the Gathering
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Pacto das Guildas
Mono-Red is one of the pillars of Pauper nowadays, and red, as a color, also has a rich history in t...
Pauper competitive metagame
Antonio Carlos
In this article, the MtG Judge Antonio points out five moments in MTG history that impacted in rules...
MTG Rules Coverage History News
John Avon is known for his unique and distinctive art style. His work is displayed on several platfo...
John Avon Illustrator History
Nat Almeida
Let's talk about one of the most well-known tribes: the Goblins. Read this article to learn a little...
Goblin Lore Tribes
Let's celebrate International Women's Day by talking about the story of 8 female characters who star...
Magic Women Story Lore
As part of Magic: The Gathering's 30th anniversary celebration, we've put together 30 cards that mad...
Magic 30th Anniversary Cards
So, which Magic: The Gathering plane has you written all over it? Answer our quiz and find out!
magic planes history quiz
In these 30 years, many releases and changes generated chaos and looked like they were going to kill...
Opinion 30 years top 30
This article brings the history of Pirates, their apparition on Magic's Lore and their presence and...
tribes pirates history
Mestre PedroK
An analytical history of Izzet Aggro/Tempo in Legacy, from its roots in 1997 to today. We will talk ...
Legacy history
Eduardo Silveira
Find out how much you know about Commander on this new quiz!
edh quiz commander
In today's article, we'll continue our journey through the second part of video game history involvi...
MTG eletronic history review
With one more return to Innistrad, some creatures are back in evidence. Today we're going to learn m...
vampires lore innistrad
Pedro Braga
We analyzed over 100 matches to put the two protagonists of Modern's red revolution on a scale and f...
modern red
Let's get to know a little more about the Zombies, a remarkable Magic tribe, which has a history ins...
zombie lore history tribal
Welcome to the Vampiric Tutor project! We'll start by delving deeper into one of Magic's most famous...
aggro tutor vampiric guide
After almost ten years, we have the first sight of a Phyrexian on Magic's Lore. But for what reason ...
Phyrexia Kaldheim Lore
Delver of Secrets is one of the most iconic Magic cards from the last decade. Today, I invite you to...
Historia Arquetipos Delver