MTG > Combos > Rueda de la Fortuna +Diamante Ojo de León +Brecha del inframundo +
To start the combo, your hand and your graveyard together must have at least six cards (not counting 
Lion's Eye Diamond
andWheel of Fortune
). Put three mana in the pool withLion's Eye Diamond
. CastUnderworld Breach
andWheel of Fortune
. At this point you will have at least eight cards in the graveyard. The six you needed to have to start the combo,Lion's Eye Diamond
andWheel of Fortune
. Cast the two with escape. You will discard the seven cards you have previously drawn with theWheel of Fortune
cast. That is, for each time you repeat the process, you will have a card left in the graveyard. So, every three times you perform the loop, you will be able to cast theLion's Eye Diamond
once more, giving you enough mana to cast your win condition. An example would beThassa's Oracle
Commander Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny LeadersAdded by Primož • revisado
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