Hey, guys! I'm Ariel and this is All Against Arena. This series is all about the presentation, creation and/or adaptation of unusual or unexplored decks that, nevertheless, works great and provides what all games should provides us with: fun!
Today, I am going to show you the deck I played last Monday, in our (portuguese-speaking) live stream, over at Cards Realm Twitch channel: Fires of Grixis!
I must confess: This deck, if not the strongest, is currently one of the strongest in Arena. The synergy with the card that names it is amazing!
Speaking of which, we have the enchantment of the new edition (Throne of Eldraine) Fires of Invention, which is the main synergy between all cards. When this enchantment reaches the battlefield, it opens up a range of possibilities! So we have: 4 Drawn from Dreams and 4 Narset, Parter of Veils so we can make the best choices against our opponent, "hunting" whatever suits us best. In addition, we have 7 more planeswalkers to define the game: 3 Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God, 2 Chandra, Awakened Inferno and 2 Liliana, Dreadhorde General.
This deck proved to be very strong against several decks from the current meta, I didn't see any major disadvantages in it. Maybe I could swap 3 Rankle, Master of Pranks with 3 Murderous Rider for better synergy and better answers against planeswalkers. I will test this substitution in the future.
Check out the list:
But a video is worth a thousand words, so take a look at my test run - though it's in portuguese, it's worth a watch!
Although we lost the first (and only) match, this deck is still great, very strong and with good answers in ranked matches. It's the deck I'm using to rank up and it has worked very well so far! I recommend this deck even more so now that Field of the Dead has been banned.
Want to see more decks like this? I'm live every Monday and Thursday at 10pm at our portuguese-speaking Twitch channel!
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