Magic: the Gathering
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Check out the main news from the Metagame this week: from the results of the Charlotte Regional Cham...
Metagame Competitive Modern Standard
In this article, we discuss Orzhov Pixie, the new variant of the famous Bounce decks using the inter...
Standard OrzhovBounce Deck Guide
In this article, we present five budget deck options for playing Best of One matches in Magic Arena!
Standard MTGArena Bo1 Budget
Cecil is the most powerful and resilient legendary one-drop in Standard and Pioneer, with a set of a...
Spoiler FinalFantasy Standard Pioneer
Orzhov Sacrifice has gained new tools with Aetherdrift, but are they enough to make it a contender i...
Standard Orzhov Sacrifice Deck Guide
After a long absence, Bant Toxic returned to Standard tournaments with a setup using Mockingbird as ...
Standard BantToxic Deck Guide
With over a thousand players, the US Regional Championship solidified Underworld Breach decks as the...
Standard Modern Metagame
In this article, we present five Standard decklists based on cards from the new Magic: The Gathering...
Standard Decklists Aetherdrift
Pacto das Guildas
Aetherdift is the new Magic: The Gathering set! It will change Standard entirely with new cards and ...
Standard dft competitive review
Dimir Oculus combines the already famous proposal of reanimating cheap creatures from the graveyard ...
Standard DimirOculus Deck Guide
With three Regional Championships and a dozen Challenges, the last week of January saw competitive M...
Metagame Analysis Modern Pauper Standard
Marketback Walker refers to two cards that were staples in multiple formats and still play in specif...
Pioneer Standard Modern Spoiler Aetherdrift
Bounce strategies are dominating Standard! In today's article, we brought you a guide on one of the ...
Standard competitive deck tech
Amonkhet's new god, Ketramose, has the cost, body, and abilities that grant it potential in all comp...
Spoiler Aetherdrift Standard Modern Pioneer
The Last Ride has the same body, cost, and abilities as Death's Shadow in vehicle form - but is that...
Pioneer Standard Aetherdrift Spoiler
Selesnya Liege combines various creatures with multicolored costs to get the most out of Wilt-Leaf L...
Standard SelesnyaLiege Deck Guide
Bounce decks continue to grow in Standard, and discussions around This Town Ain't Big Enough and its...
Metagame Standard Bounce
Esper Pixie takes advantage of the interaction between ETB effects and creatures that return permane...
EsperPixie Deck Guide