The Mardu Painter deck in Legacy is a versatile and powerful deck that revolves around the combo of [[Painter's Servant]] and [[Grindstone]] to mill the opponent's entire deck. The deck utilizes cards like [[Goblin Engineer]] and [[Goblin Welder]] to tutor for and recur key artifacts, while disruption like [[Pyroblast]], [[Red Elemental Blast]], and [[Swords to Plowshares]] help control the game. The deck's strategy is to control the board early on using cards like [[Pyroblast]] and [[Swords to Plowshares]], disrupt the opponent's game plan with cards like [[Ensnaring Bridge]] and [[Magus of the Moon]], and then assemble the combo of [[Painter's Servant]] and [[Grindstone]] to win the game. Some of the good points of Mardu Painter include its ability to quickly assemble its combo, its flexibility in dealing with different types of threats, and its powerful disruption suite. However, the deck can struggle against fast aggro decks that can pressure it before it can set up its combo or against heavy disruption strategies that can disrupt its game plan. Overall, Mardu Painter is a fun and challenging deck to pilot in Legacy, offering a mix of combo and control elements that can catch opponents off guard and lead to thrilling victories.
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