À propos de Appel // Invocation
Appel // Invocation, Sorcellerie, conçu par Adam Paquette & Adam Paquette sorti pour la première fois en May, 2013 dans l'édition Dragon's Maze et a été imprimé exactement dans 2 formes différentes. Il est actuellement vendu au prix le plus bas de € 0.45. C'est une carte-clé dans 2 combos.
Cette carte, Beck // Call, bénéficierait d'un deck axé sur les stratégies axées sur les créatures et le piochage de cartes, en particulier dans un deck Simic (G U) ou Azorius (W U). Les decks qui se reposent sur la génération de jetons et l'avantage de cartes trouveraient cette carte utile, surtout en combinaison avec des cartes qui déclenchent l'entrée de plusieurs créatures. Bien que Beck // Call offre de la polyvalence avec sa capacité de Fusion, il peut y avoir de meilleures options pour des effets similaires dans certains decks, comme Coastal Breach ou Harmonize, en fonction de la stratégie spécifique et du style de jeu du deck. Dans l'ensemble, Beck // Call pourrait être joué dans des decks cherchant à tirer parti des jetons de créature et du piochage de cartes simultanément.
Des règles
Beck triggers when any creature enters the battlefield, no matter who controls it.
If a player names a card, the player may name either half of a split card, but not both. A split card has the chosen name if one of its two names matches the chosen name.
If you cast a split card with fuse from your hand without paying its mana cost, you can choose to use its fuse ability and cast both halves without paying their mana costs.
If you cast Beck // Call as a fused split spell, the triggered ability it creates will be in effect when the Bird creature tokens enter the battlefield. You’ll draw up to four cards.
If you’re casting a split card with fuse from any zone other than your hand, you can’t cast both halves. You’ll only be able to cast one half or the other.
On the stack, a split spell that hasn’t been fused has only that half’s characteristics and converted mana cost. The other half is treated as though it didn’t exist.
Some split cards with fuse have two halves that are both multicolored. That card is multicolored no matter which half is cast, or if both halves are cast. It’s also multicolored while not on the stack.
Some split cards with fuse have two monocolor halves of different colors. If such a card is cast as a fused split spell, the resulting spell is multicolored. If only one half is cast, the spell is the color of that half. While not on the stack, such a card is multicolored.
To cast a fused split spell, pay both of its mana costs. While the spell is on the stack, its converted mana cost is the total amount of mana in both costs.
When a fused split spell resolves, follow the instructions of the left half first, then the instructions on the right half.
When resolving a fused split spell with multiple targets, treat it as you would any spell with multiple targets. If all targets are illegal when the spell tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve and none of its effects happen. If at least one target is still legal at that time, the spell resolves, but an illegal target can’t perform any actions or have any actions performed on it.
You can choose the same object as the target of each half of a fused split spell, if appropriate.
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