MTG > Combos > 現実からの遊離 +円環技師 +
Enchant Gyre Engineer with Freed from the Real
Gyre EngineerをFreed from the Realでエンチャントする
Tap Gyre Engineer to add one blue mana and one green mana
Gyre Engineerをタップして青マナと緑マナを1つずつ追加する
Use the blue mana to activate Freed from the Real's ability, untap Gyre Engineer
青マナを使用してFreed from the Realの能力を発動し、Gyre Engineerをアンタップする
Repeat the process for infinite green mana.
Commander Legacy Modern Block Casual Conquest Duel Commander Extended Oathbreaker Sealed event Tiny Leaders VintageAdded by Froylan • 審査
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