姓名 | 乙金塑師 |
图案 | Etherium Sculptor |
类型 | 神器生物 ~維多肯/神器師 |
描述 | 你施放的神器咒語減少來施放。 |
Flavor | 技藝最高明的匠人完全不靠工具,只以心靈與雙手塑造金屬。 |
艺术家 | Steven Belledin |
版 | 兄弟战争指挥官 #82 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
姓名 | 乙金塑師 |
图案 | Etherium Sculptor |
类型 | 神器生物 ~維多肯/神器師 |
描述 | 你施放的神器咒語減少來施放。 |
Flavor | 技藝最高明的匠人完全不靠工具,只以心靈與雙手塑造金屬。 |
艺术家 | Steven Belledin |
版 | 兄弟战争指挥官 #82 |
Wallpaper | download |
图片 | download |
No Rank
乙金塑師, 神器生物 ~維多肯/神器師, 设计者 Steven Belledin 首次发布于 Oct, 2008 在编辑中 Shards of Alara 并准确地印在 9 不同的形状. 见游戏 1 格式: Commander. 目前以最低价出售 0.61. 这是一张钥匙卡 8 combos.
The only difference between a colored artifact and a colorless artifact is, obviously, its color. Unlike most artifacts, a colored artifact requires colored mana to cast. Also unlike most artifacts, a colored artifact has a color in all zones. It will interact with cards that care about color. Other than that, a colored artifact behaves just like any other artifact. It will interact as normal with any card that cares about artifacts, such as Shatter or Arcbound Ravager.
This effect can reduce only the generic portion of the artifact spell’s total cost.
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