抑制思想, 即时——奥术, 设计者 Arnie Swekel 首次发布于 Oct, 2004 在编辑中 Champions of Kamigawa 并准确地印在 2 不同的形状. 目前以最低价出售 0.56.
专注于碾压对手牌库的控制套牌将受益于使用抑制思想,因为它具有高效的成本和削弱对手资源的能力。然而,研磨策略可能有更好的选择,例如 Archive Trap,当满足某些条件时,它具有更强大的研磨效果。抑制思想可以在更经济实惠或更灵活的磨坊牌组中发挥作用,但在竞争环境中可能不是首选,因为可以使用更有影响力的磨坊卡。
You choose all targets for the spell after revealing cards you want to splice, including any targets required by the text of any of those cards. You may choose a different target for each instance of the word “target” on the resulting spell.
You reveal all cards you intend to splice at the same time. Each individual card can be spliced only once onto any one spell.
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