Facebook Pixel image Deck standard Dimir Control | Magic: the Gathering MTG

MTG > Metagame Standard > deck Dimir Control

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. nelle ultime apparizioni Cabezadebolo egli fece 23º al Standard Challenge and Cabezadebolo egli fece 25º al Standard Challenge.


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Standard deck Dimir Control: Ultimo mazzo vincitore

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Mazzo al rialzo

  1. 4C Legends

    +12 deck (+35 %)

  2. Temur Aggro

    +12 deck (+29 %)

  3. MonoBlack Pox

    +8 deck (+19 %)

  4. Jund Land Combo

    +7 deck (+17 %)

  5. Azorius Artifacts

    +3 deck (+7 %)

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