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MTG > Metagame Legacy > deck Cycling Storm

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About Legacy Cycling Storm

Belonging to the metagame from Legacy, Cycling Storm is a deck with the following key cards: with an overall win percentage of 75.0% in 28 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against W and BUW . In recent appearances repa (Carlos) made 4V-0L at MTG Spelltable - SACOLA50 - 009 and repa (Carlos) made 4V-0L at MTG Spelltable - SACOLA50 - 007.


The "Cycling Storm" deck in Legacy is a unique and dynamic deck that focuses on cycling through your cards to generate a storm of powerful spells and effects. The deck utilizes cards with the cycling ability to quickly draw through the deck and set up powerful combo turns. The strategy of the deck revolves around cycling cards like Flourishing Fox, Drannith Stinger, and Street Wraith to build up a large hand size and trigger effects like Lightning Rift and Zenith Flare. These cards can deal damage to your opponent or gain you life based on the number of cards you've cycled, allowing you to control the board and pressure your opponent. One of the strengths of the deck is its ability to quickly cycle through the deck and find key cards to set up powerful turns. Cards like Fluctuator can reduce the cost of cycling, making it easier to chain together multiple cycling effects in a single turn. Zenith Flare can also serve as a finisher, dealing a large amount of damage to your opponent based on the number of cards you've cycled. However, the deck can be vulnerable to disruption, as it heavily relies on cycling through cards to function effectively. Cards like Damping Sphere can slow down your cycling engine, while cards like Soul-Guide Lantern can disrupt your graveyard interactions. Additionally, the deck can struggle against fast aggro decks that can pressure you before you can set up your cycling engine. Overall, the "Cycling Storm" deck in Legacy offers a unique and powerful playstyle that rewards careful sequencing and planning. With the right combination of cycling cards and payoff effects, you can create a storm of cycling spells that overwhelm your opponent and secure victory.

Legacy deck Cycling Storm: Last winning deck

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V-victory %

Overall Matchs




83.3 %

Overall Games




75.0 %

66.6 %



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Icons of mtg W

50.0 %



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Icons of mtg Icons of mtg Icons of mtg BUW

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