Magic: the Gathering


Next Secret Lair will have cards never printed before legal in Eternal formats

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The Secret Lair X The Walking Dead product will be released on October 4th and will have cards never printed legal in eternal formats

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에 의해 번역 Leon

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에 의해 검토 Tabata Marques

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In today announcementlink outside website Wizards of the Coast detailed the crossover with the The Walking Dead series. The Secret Lair X The Walking Dead product will be available between October 4th and 12th and will cost $ 49.99 / £ 49.99 / € 54.99. Remembering that from the 13th, it will not be possible to find cards from this Secret Lair directly by Wizards.

Image content of the Website


Right after the announcement we had the spoiler of a card that we should see in this edition, Michonne, a character from the series that is accompanied by zombies.

Image content of the Website

Image content of the Website

The big problem with the announcement was in the following phrases: "The cards included in this very special Secret Lair drop will be completely new to Magic, depicting the iconic characters of the long-running and critically acclaimed TV series. These are mechanically unique cards that will be cool in Eternal formats ".

The last sentence worried several content producers as it will be the first time in history that we will have direct printing of new cards from Wizards of the Coast to Magic players. There is usually the secondary market as stores between transactions. Some producers have already expressed their opinion on this attitude:

What do you think of this change in attitude towards Secret lairs?