信使胶囊, Artifact 神器, 设计者 Andrew Murray 首次发布于 Oct, 2008 在编辑中 Shards of Alara. 见游戏 1 格式: Commander. 目前以最低价出售 ¥ 2.53.
这张卡牌对于专注于卡牌优势和寻找关键部分的控制套牌非常有益。虽然信使胶囊为其成本提供了一个不错的抽卡选择,但像Opt或Serum Visions这样的更好选择提供了立即的卡牌选择,而不需要额外的法力投入或牺牲神器。然而,在预算有限的套牌中或在从神器协同效应中受益的特定策略中,信使胶囊仍然可以作为抽卡的经济选择而发挥作用。
The only difference between a colored artifact and a colorless artifact is, obviously, its color. Unlike most artifacts, a colored artifact requires colored mana to cast. Also unlike most artifacts, a colored artifact has a color in all zones. It will interact with cards that care about color. Other than that, a colored artifact behaves just like any other artifact. It will interact as normal with any card that cares about artifacts, such as Shatter or Arcbound Ravager.
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