It seems like the list of cards you provided is actually a mix of Black and White cards, which wouldn't fit into a Mono-White deck in Magic: The Gathering's Modern format. For a Mono-White Midrange deck in Modern, you would typically see cards like "Path to Exile," "Rest in Peace," "Gideon of the Trials," "Thalia, Guardian of Thraben," "Aether Vial," and "Flickerwisp." This kind of deck would focus on controlling the board through removal spells like "Path to Exile," disrupting the opponent's strategy with cards like "Thalia, Guardian of Thraben," and generating value through cards like "Flickerwisp." The strategy of a Mono-White Midrange deck is to establish board presence, disrupt the opponent's game plan, and grind out incremental advantages over time. The deck typically has a solid mid-to-late game plan with some card advantage engines, resilience to removal, and the ability to outvalue opponents in longer games. Good points of a Mono-White Midrange deck include its ability to play a proactive game with disruptive elements, such as Thalia and Rest in Peace, that can heavily impact the opponent's strategy. The deck can also have a strong game against certain decks in the format, like combo decks or graveyard strategies. On the flip side, the bad points of a Mono-White Midrange deck may include vulnerability to unfair strategies that can go over the top of its disruption, as well as struggles against decks that can go under its game plan with aggressive strategies. Overall, Mono-White Midrange can be a solid choice in the Modern format, providing a mix of disruption, card advantage, and a proactive game plan.
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