MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Burn
About Pauper Burn
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Burn is a deck with the following key cards: Berg, Voldaren Epicure, Kessig Flamebreather, Roekeloze impuls, Bliksemschicht, Chain Lightning, Wrenn's Resolve, Fireblast, with an overall win percentage of 37.7% in 212 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Gruul Ponza and BG and worst against Grixis Burn and White Weenie. In recent appearances AdrianoTT made 3V-0L at Domingooouuu Pauper 56 and Jaspion made 4V-0L at FUGUETE CHAMP 198.
Main Deck cards Burn
Sideboard cards Burn
The Burn deck in Pauper Magic: The Gathering is known for its aggressive playstyle focused on dealing direct damage to the opponent's life total. Here's a breakdown of the strategy, good points, and bad points of the Burn deck using the listed cards: - **Strategy:** The Burn deck aims to quickly reduce the opponent's life total to zero by playing efficiently-costed direct damage spells like Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Spike, and Fireblast. It also utilizes creatures like Ghitu Lavarunner and Thermo-Alchemist to provide consistent damage. The deck relies on a fast-paced tempo and aims to close out games before the opponent can stabilize. - **Good Points:** - **High Damage Output:** The Burn deck has a high potential for dealing damage quickly, putting pressure on the opponent. - **Redundancy:** With multiple copies of direct damage spells like Lightning Bolt and Lava Spike, the deck can consistently draw into burn spells to finish off opponents. - **Efficient Spells:** Many of the spells in the Burn deck have low mana costs, allowing the deck to play multiple spells in a turn and maximize damage output. - **Bad Points:** - **Weak to Lifegain:** Burn decks can struggle against opponents with lifegain strategies, as they can nullify the deck's direct damage and prolong the game. - **Limited in Interaction:** The Burn deck is focused on dealing damage to the opponent and lacks significant interaction with the opponent's board, making it vulnerable to certain strategies that can disrupt its game plan. - **No Card Advantage:** The Burn deck typically lacks card draw and relies on topdecking burn spells to finish off opponents, which can lead to inconsistency in long games. Overall, the Burn deck in Pauper is a high-risk, high-reward strategy that excels at quickly closing out games but can struggle against decks with lifegain or heavy interaction. It requires careful sequencing of spells and aggressive play to maximize its potential damage output and secure victories.
Pauper deck Burn: Last winning deck
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