Competitive Constructed League
15 players
BW Control
5V-0L csalles
Naya Runes
5V-0L DeathMask6
Rakdos Sacrifice
5V-0L kyng25
Mono Green Aggro
5V-0L FewHours
Dimir Ninjas
5V-0L Szaman666
Selesnya Auras
5V-0L antwuan64
Mono White Aggro
5V-0L PitLUL
Mono White Aggro
5V-0L Mudda
Azorius Control
5V-0L _against_
5V-0L GabingGoblin
Jeskai Hinata
5V-0L KingnoQueen
Mardu Midrange
5V-0L KingHairy
#1 Vlaktes
50 in 7 decks
#2 Berg
32 in 4 decks
24 in 1 decks
#4 Wedding Announcement // Wedding Festivity
22 in 6 decks
#5 Dwang
19 in 5 decks
#6 Eiland
15 in 3 decks
#7 Moeras
13 in 4 decks
12 in 3 decks
12 in 3 decks
#10 Brightclimb Pathway // Grimclimb Pathway
12 in 3 decks
12 in 3 decks
#12 Negeer
12 in 7 decks
#13 Riverglide Pathway // Lavaglide Pathway
12 in 3 decks
12 in 3 decks
#15 Legion Angel
11 in 6 decks
#16 March of Otherworldly Light
11 in 5 decks
#17 Dodelijk geschil
11 in 3 decks
#18 Brutal Cathar // Moonrage Brute
11 in 3 decks
11 in 1 decks
11 in 3 decks
#21 Moedige houding
10 in 5 decks
10 in 5 decks
#23 Needleverge Pathway // Pillarverge Pathway
10 in 3 decks
#24 Jwari-verstoring // Jwari-ruïnes
9 in 3 decks
#25 Doomskar
9 in 5 decks
9 in 5 decks
#27 Vervagende hoop
9 in 6 decks
#28 Schuren
9 in 4 decks
#29 Woud
9 in 2 decks
8 in 3 decks
8 in 2 decks
#32 Spikefield Hazard // Spikefield Cave
8 in 2 decks
#33 Goudspan Draak
8 in 2 decks
8 in 2 decks
8 in 4 decks
#36 Paladin Class
8 in 4 decks
#37 Draagbaar gat
8 in 3 decks
#38 Eiganjo, zetel van het rijk
8 in 6 decks
8 in 2 decks
8 in 7 decks
8 in 1 decks
#42 Speel met vuur
8 in 2 decks
8 in 3 decks
#44 Sundown Pass
8 in 3 decks
#45 Branchloft Pathway // Boulderloft Pathway
8 in 2 decks
#46 Generous Visitor
8 in 2 decks
8 in 2 decks
#48 Michiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michiko
8 in 2 decks
#49 Overwegen
7 in 2 decks
#50 Hengegate Pathway // Mistgate Pathway
7 in 2 decks
7 in 2 decks
#52 Rune of Might
7 in 2 decks
#53 Veld van ruïne
7 in 4 decks
#54 Brandende handen
7 in 3 decks
#55 Voldaren Epicure
7 in 2 decks
6 in 2 decks
6 in 3 decks
#58 Deserted Beach
6 in 2 decks
#59 Reidane, God of the Worthy // Valkmira, Protector's Shield
6 in 2 decks
6 in 1 decks
6 in 4 decks
#62 Spel Pierce
6 in 3 decks
#63 Test of Talents
6 in 5 decks
#64 Saw It Coming
6 in 4 decks
6 in 3 decks
#66 Haunted Ridge
6 in 2 decks
#67 Blightstep Pathway // Searstep Pathway
6 in 2 decks
#68 Confrontatie van de Skalds
6 in 2 decks
5 in 3 decks
5 in 2 decks
#71 Sunset Revelry
5 in 2 decks
#72 Path of Peril
5 in 2 decks
#73 Valki, God of Lies // Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor
5 in 2 decks
#74 Afscheid
5 in 2 decks
5 in 1 decks
#76 Adeline, schitterende Katharen
5 in 3 decks
4 in 2 decks
4 in 1 decks
4 in 1 decks
#80 Welvarende dief
4 in 1 decks
4 in 1 decks
4 in 1 decks
#83 Helse greep
4 in 2 decks
#84 Cragcrown Pathway // Timbercrown Pathway
4 in 1 decks
#85 Clearwater-pad // Murkwater-pad
4 in 1 decks
4 in 1 decks
4 in 4 decks
4 in 1 decks
4 in 3 decks
4 in 1 decks
4 in 1 decks
#92 Overwoekerde landbouwgrond
4 in 1 decks
4 in 1 decks
#94 Hopeful Initiate
4 in 1 decks
4 in 1 decks
#96 Rune of Speed
4 in 1 decks
4 in 1 decks
#98 Henrika Domnathi // Henrika, Infernal Seer
4 in 2 decks
#99 Cinderclasm
4 in 3 decks
#100 The Celestus
4 in 3 decks