MTG > Metagame Pioneer > deck G
Main Deck cards G
15.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
4.0 in 100% of decks
3.5 in 100% of decks
2.0 in 75% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
3.0 in 50% of decks
Sideboard cards G
3.0 in 75% of decks
4.0 in 50% of decks
3.0 in 50% of decks
2.0 in 50% of decks
2.0 in 50% of decks
The deck "G" in Pioneer format in Magic: The Gathering be a green-based deck focused on ramping up mana quickly and playing powerful creatures to overwhelm the opponent. The strategy revolves around using mana dorks like Elvish Mystic and Llanowar Elves to accelerate into big threats like Old-Growth Troll, Voracious Hydra, and Eldrazi creatures like Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. Good points of the deck include its ability to hit the ground running with early mana acceleration, which allows for explosive plays in the mid to late game. Cards like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Gaea's Cradle can generate massive amounts of mana to play multiple threats in a single turn. Additionally, cards like Collected Company provide card advantage and deck filtering, while The Great Henge can provide a steady stream of life gain and card draw. One downside of the deck is its vulnerability to board wipes and control-based strategies. Without protection or ways to recover from mass removal, the deck can struggle against decks that can disrupt its game plan. Additionally, the deck may have issues with consistency since it relies on drawing the right mix of ramp, threats, and support cards to function optimally. Overall, the "G" deck in Pioneer format offers a fast and powerful strategy that can overwhelm opponents with big creatures and explosive plays, but it also comes with its own set of weaknesses and challenges that need to be considered when piloting the deck.
Example deck with G

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